Call Now! 832-408-1970905 E Main St League City Tx 77573

Our Class Schedule

We are so grateful you are interested in yoga. Wherever you are in your yoga journey, we would be honored to be a part of it. All of our classes are mixed-level, and cater to beginners and seasoned practitioners, alike.

New Students are encouraged to attend our Monday lessons when we begin the weeks working theme is introduced.  With the introduction we can talk about any personal modifications you may need to get the most from your practice. 

Moonlight Yoga Lesson Description

Vinyasa Slow Flow:  is a slow form of vinyasa (flow) yoga where each asana (pose) is held for three breaths of more.

Vinyasa Power Flow:  an energetic, moving practice connecting the breath with movement. It is a revitalizing form of fitness.

Yin:  this class includes a series of poses or shapes held for two minutes or more, stillness and meditation. This style of yoga is good for your connective tissue, internal organ groups and joint health. 

Yin / Yang: This class blends two styles of yoga, offering you a dynamic practice with extended practice in stillness.

Restorative: This practice is about slowing down the body through passive stretching, enabling one to go into rest and digest (the opposite of fight or flight).      

The Complete Practice:  As the title suggests, you will get a complete practice in this class! Meditation, pranayama, abdominals, yin and yang, all while having yoga traditions explained.